This is the perfect recipe to use up leftovers and get in all of those much needed vitamins and minerals that keep your immune system functioning over winter. Bibimbap is a Korean dish that means mixed rice. Traditionally it is served with a hot chili paste called gochujang, but we don’t expect anyone to have that lying around in the cupboards so feel free to leave that out. We have provided options for both meat eaters and vegans, but feel free to add in whatever food you have available to use up.

Serves 1


½ thin beef steak OR ½ chicken breast OR 20g textured soy protein soaked in stock of your choice

150g cooked brown rice

2 tsp soy or tamari sauce

80g mushrooms, sliced

20g chard, kale or other leafy greens, thinly shredded

1 medium sized carrot, grated

1 spring onion, sliced

Sesame seeds, for decoration



1 egg

Gochujang sauce (or Sriracha or any other hot sauce of your choice)



First, cook your rice as instructed on the packet. This is already a quick recipe, but it’s absolutely fine to use microwave rice to save time here. Place the cooked rice into the bottom of your bowl.

If you are using an egg, fry this in a small frying pan to your liking. Place on top of the rice with the yolk as close to the centre as possible.

Take a wok or large frying pan and heat up your soy sauce with a small dash of oil. Slice your meat or meat substitute into strips. Fry in the wok until cooked all the way through. Place into one corner of your rice bowl ensuring that the egg yolk is still visible.

In the same wok, fry your mushrooms ensuring they soak up the juices left behind. They are done when they have started to shrink and the wok has become dry. Place directly into the next corner of the rice bowl, again, making sure the yolk is still visible.

Repeat this action for your shredded kale, and then your grated carrot. If the carrot starts to stick to the pan, it’s fine to add a tiny amount of oil.

Garnish with sesame seeds, chopped spring onion and a hot sauce of your choice. Eat immediately!