By Anna Smith at Alogical

Welcome to our latest article, this time offering some hints and tips on preparing to give a presentation as part of a job application process.

This can be pretty daunting, not least because presenting makes most people nervous, but this might be the first time in a while you have needed to prep and deliver a presentation yourself (it might be the first time ever).

Once you know you have been shortlisted and invited to interview, there are a few things worth considering as you start to prepare:

  • Familiarise yourself with the question or subject you have been asked to present on and importantly the time you have been allocated. Sounds obvious, but you may need to do some background reading or research.
  •  Think about who your audience will be, what are their job roles? It is OK to ask if this information has not been provided.
  • First impressions and personal impact – what impression do you want to give? Think about what you will wear as well as how you present yourself. Confidence is important but being personable is key.
  • How are you delivering the presentation? Is it Powerpoint or are you expected to stand up and talk? If you have a choice, do what feels most natural to you.
  • Think about the key messages you want to get across –use some prompts on the Powerpoint if this is what you are using, bullet points rather than lengthy paragraphs (you can take some notes with you to help recollection).
  • Feel prepared – this means something different to everyone.  Some people like to have a few full run-throughs and detailed notes before the event others prefer to have a few slides with limited notes and feel more comfortable with a flexible approach – do what feels right for you in the circumstances.
  • Be succinct – those in the audience will appreciate you keeping to the allocated time and ensuring they get the chance to ask questions.
  •  During the presentation – make eye contact and ensure you register your audience.
  •  Be ready to answer some questions but most of all, be yourself.

Whatever your style you should feel prepared – try not to read directly from your slides, this is where the preparation helps along with a good understanding of your subject matter or topic.

 If you would like any support or further information, please contact me by email at or visit