Gardening for wellbeing

At least one in four British adults will experience some kind of mental health problem in any one year, according to mental health charity Mind. To ease the symptoms of mental health problems, it is important that we seek help which is appropriate to our own individual circumstances – whether that be through medications, talking…

Grow outside

This year, a whopping 160 members signed up to take part in our home tomato growing project. Whilst many of you who signed up are keen gardeners, just as many said that you were complete beginners. If you are looking to learn more about gardening and how to do it in a nature friendly way…

How to switch off from work

Throughout the pandemic, our working lives have seen some significant shifts in balance. For many of you, working from home was never an option. Instead you worked through tough shifts and got through more bottles of sanitizer than you ever thought possible. Some took your work home with you, transforming kitchens, living rooms and spare…